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Meet Noreen
Noreen Pratscher, Principal, is a highly accomplished, senior-level strategic global corporate communications leader with an extensive track record advising organizations on enhancing reputation, growing market awareness, and building their brands. 
She serves as strategic counsel, helps organizations navigate change and transformation, and optimizes teams to operate at peak performance...
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Pratscher Communications specializes in world-class communications services including Brand BuildingChange Management, Business Transformation, and Reputation Management... 
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Podcast: Tales from the Beat with Ed Garsten

Tune into this podcast, Tales from the Beat, with Ed Garsten! Noreen discusses her impressive background within the Communications, Media, and PR space and what led to establishing Pratscher Communications.   

Tales from the Beat with Noreen PratscherNoreen Pratscher and Ed Garsten
00:00 / 26:56

Industry Recognition

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